Friday, October 31, 2008
BoredBoard Games

In school, we just crapped the whole day. Watch movies for all the periods cept Philosophy then slacked. First period was Science, we watched Tom and Jerry. Lame crap. I watched Lihong play his PSP under his desk. He still can't beat Tsunade if I'm not wrong. It's a naruto fighting game. I was massaging Matthew's back for another $1 today. Matthew is retarded rich. Must exploit him more.

After that was math. Watched some lame donald duck movie. It's about math. Quite interesting actually, about golden ratios and blah but I was sleepy and tried to sleep and couldn't cos everyone was busy laughing.

After recess was Chinese. She came 10 minutes late so we slacked longer for recess. We watched shaolinzuqiu. Matthew wanted me to massage him longer for another 2 bucks but I was bored and told him to bugger off.

After that was philo. Philosophy was just a lesson where we got back all our assignments and blah. Boring.

Went home via 157 with Heng Kee then slacked at home till 2.20. Went out to the bus stop opposite my house to wait for my friends. A short 5 minutes walk. I went too darn early. Waited for like 15 minutes then they arrived. We took their car(their parent's) to Holland V. to some cafe. Settler's cafe if I'm not wrong. I impaled my tailbone on the seatbelt buckle thing. Hurt like crap. Seriously. I was grimacing in pain and gripping my leg so damn hard, trying not to make a sound. I'm still wondering why the seatbelt buckle was JUTTING OUT OF THE SEAT. BY A LOT. I'm wondering what happened to blogger layout. I mean, I can't find the colour button, font button and underline button. I can't be bothered to find the colour codes.

Okay we arrived at settler's cafe and sat down. It was a cafe where you could play board games. There were LOADS of board games, supposedly unable to be found at shops. Their food was quite damn nice actually. Onion rings, friend chicken, hear this: friend fish strips; you know those kind of dafa fish fish strips? nice things. But they're fried! TASTES GREAT, nuggets. We played for a bit then others came. The first game we played was Jungle Speed. Never heard of it? Neither did I. Damn fun. We each place down cards one by one, then if you have a similar shape as another person you take the totem in the middle. Must take it by the bottom. If you take it by the top, you lose. There are cards which look quite similar to each other, and if you take the totem wrongly everybody gives you one card. The objective is to clear all your cards first. The thing is that though you may seem to be winning, if you have like 1 card in hand and the rest placed down as you didn't grab the totem until then, and you lose, you take all your cards placed down back and the winners pile. Yeah when you grab the totem successfully, you give your placed-down cards to the loser. May be 1 card, may be 15. I won :D When you win, you sit back, relax and help people or sabo them. I won, so I was helping them place the totem back into the middle for fairness, though the table was rectangular and I was sitting at the long ends D: Oh well. You know you can scream, "OMG FASTER GRAB THAT TOTEM!" and trick other people into getting 1 card from everyone? You didn't? Now you do.

Second game we played was some jewel thing, called ubongo. You have a puzzle thingy, and some shapes. You have to fix the shapes into the puzzle to form a bigger shape. The catch is that you have to roll the dice to get a symbol, and there are shapes vertically under symbol, and you have to use those shapes. I really suck at visualizing things, so I totally got owned. You have a avatar on one side of the bored, and there are alot of plastic gems in columns. If you are the first to complete your puzzle, you can move 3 spaces and take 2 gems in the same row as your avatar. The first two though. Everybody gets different cards, so it's not really fair though. The second guy can move 2 spaces and take 2 gems. The others who completed the puzzle after the first and second can only take 2 gems but can't move. Anybody else who can't complete it can't take anything. You have to complete the puzzle in 2 minutes.

Third game was taboo. Pretty sure you'll are familiar with it. It's where you have to let your team mates guess a word. The word is on a card and there are taboo words at the bottom of the word. You have to make the person guess the word WITHOUT saying the taboo words. When I was supposed to guess something, Jared would tell me a word with similar spelling and say + this letter - this letter. Obviously was shot down by other people. While the other team was guessing, we would all shout random words to disrupt their chain of thoughts. Examples include answers like "AIR" to questions like "What's the thing inside a supermarket" and "TOM YAM" to questions like "what's the thing which has scales". AHOHO FUN.

Well the rest pretty much had to go home so me and Jared left. Anyway, we couldn't play anymore cos it was pass the curfew for student's offer. I drank SO MUCH SPRITE. Like 9 cups of sprite? Big cups yo. I'm downloading Perfect World now. Am so bored without things to do. Sigh need to wake up early, tomorrow got training.

And the light seemed to fade at @ 7:08:00 PM

Thursday, October 30, 2008

We have finished going though papers yesterday, leaving us with crap to do today. Reflect and Review? I think not. Why do they even bother to do something like that, it's not as if the teachers are going to change just 'cos they said so. If they would, they would be the best teachers in the world by now after teacher for a great deal of years.

First period, no idea what it was. Some random thing where Mr. Pang gave us some questions which I dreaded and sped through and he gave us our overall GPA. Damn it, third lang not counted. Ken keeps his 3.94D: On the other hand, I get a +0.02 GPA bonus. How useful.

Second period, CS. It was the most retarded lesson I can remember. Just sit there watch the stupidest movie in the world. Mrs. Chor thinks it's damn interesting and fascinating. Right. The whole class didn't watch the movie and in fact gave her a hell of a time. I bet she was hoarse by the end of the lesson. We're so nice, I know.

Third period, history. It was rather stupid as well. Mr. Chan didn't really give a crap about the R&R. He gave us some questions and gave crappy estimations to how many people thought well about the questions. We watched some Mrs. Swan shows. I personally don't find it really hilarious. First few times quite funny but after awhile, I get irritated by her. I personally would probably walk off.

Fourth period, geog. It was rather nice, watching simpsons episodes. Mrs. Chua couldn't find the whole episode so she was rather pissed. But the episodes were surprisingly morbid. Still funny though. Not everyday you see ruggers sprayed to death with insecticide and House getting microwaved till he exploded into a pile of blood.

Firth period, english. Lousy period. Stupid movie shown. Mrs. Selvan was supposed to R&R us, thank god she didn't. Understand her intention, but Animal Farm Movie sucked like crap. So boring. This is the very first time I've ever slept in a class. I slept for like 20 minutes on Nicholas's desk. She didn't even notice. Lucky me? Matthew owes me 1 buck. I massaged him for like 30 minutes. Yes, I know I'm mercenary.

After school is boring. Holidays are going to be boring too. Sigh desune?

And the light seemed to fade at @ 8:05:00 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday; Morning: 10.30 am; Shangri La
Well, in a random spur of events, I went to Shangri La(WooHoo?) and ate at one of the restaurants there. I don't even know why we're going, actually. It's like:
Mom: Hey Ernest, want to go eat lunch tomorrow?
Me: Sure. Let's eat XiaoLongBao
Mom: Okay, let me book it
Mom: Reservation failed, let's eat brunch.
Me: Okaaaay, sure?
So we kinda just went to eat for fun. Yeah. We kinda did. So like, I woke up like a zombie after staying up to 3(?) for fun. Then I dragged myself into the car. We arrived at the place and waited outside for the restaurant to open. It opened at 10.40. Supposed to open at 10.30 leh. TRICK ME. SCUM OF THE EARTH. BURN IN THE FLAMES OF MY CRIMSON WRATH. Okay, back to sanity. We went in. and placed our orders. Kinda like this:
Mom: guys, what do you want to eat?
Sis: those fried prawn dumpling thingies
Bro: anything(smsing his friend)
Me: xiaolongbao
Mom: okay so let's buy friend chicken, fried dumplings, and siew mai, and other random dimsum thingummies( does not mention xiaolongbao)
Me: what about xiaolongbao?
Mom: okay all happy?
Mom: okay set

Yeah kinda like that but in the end she actually did buy it. It was helluva nice yo. It's like the best xiaolong bao I've eaten. I ate 17. Of them. It's like, bite the top, suck the hot and delicious soup out, and eat the chicken.

In the afternoon, I slacked at home and played a lame MMORPG, Trickster. Sounds stupid, is stupid. Well bored people play lame games. THEN THEN THEN THEN THEEEEN, I went to play table tennis. Again. Yeah. SO FUN YO(de javu yo)

I woke up at per normal. Went to school as per normal.Did normal things yeah. Today got back results. I did surprisingly well yo:

Math: EOY: 69 1/2 upon 80 GPA:3.6( Sian my EOY do quite damn well lor if not for all my failure CCTs I would have gotten 4.0)(Beat alot of people I know, finally beat Nicholas(LOL TAKE THAT)(MULTIPLE BRACKETS))

English: EOY: 37/50 GPA: 3.6(79% what can I say or do besides smashing my head repeatedly against the wall while I'm typing this sentence?)

History: EOY: 23/30 GPA:3.6( Sian I really suck in history don't know why. EMO SPONGE)

Geography: EOY 35/40 GPA 4.0( LOL FIRST 4.0 UNBELIEVABLE)

Sian I think I'm going to fail science. Mr. Pang said that Matthew's friends did badly. OH NO MUST DITCH MATTHEW NOW.

And the light seemed to fade at @ 9:19:00 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008
teburu tenisu

Just out of a bathe. Was playing table tennis with Ken, Yu Xuan and Jared. This is the third time I'm typing this bloody sentence. Cannot*twitch* post*twitch* msn *twitch* convo*twitch*

Anyway, Msn convo was retarded and not worth your time. Let's ignore it :D Originally, we wanted to meet up at 2 at J8 and eat KFC, then go my house and wreck it. This was without Jared, 'cos he had training. The next day, today, Jared wanted to pon training lol, so we changed plans and Yu Xuan wanted to /wrist. Instead of going J8, we went to KAP(king albert park). So Yu Xuan had to go all the way from Serangoon to Bukit Timah.(He had squash training there)We ate Macs at KAP. I pretty much bought myself a Mc Spicy meal. Jared bought Fillet-o-fish meal and mc wings(!) and Ken bought Mc Spicy too. Well I kinda, erm, stole everybody's fries. Yeah I kinda did. We ate without Yu Xuan, he was still traveling. So by the time we were finished, we were waiting there for Yu Xuan to arrive ._. Sigh so then when he arrived he took-away-ed his fillet-o-fish meal and we went to my house. Of course, we wanted to invite Matthew and scam him into buying all of us free meals. But he had training :'( Ken was all "let's gag him, steal his money and sell him to the Bishan Gay(I'm not gonna call him "gentleman" or "uncle" cos he doesn't deserve respect. Only people who get stalked by him and stared by him would understand. But this train of ranting must continue another time okay?)No offense Matthew.

So at my house, we went there at placed all our crap there and went down to play table tennis. So practically they didn't wreck my house at all, They wrecked the function room(the table tennis table is in the function room, don't ask me why). Originally meet up at 2, Ken came my house at like 12. He insisted on installing rakion on my com and play it lol. I didn't really care cos I was playing Tales of Vesperia, which from now onwards shall be known as TOV. Kinda like forever more. Okay back on track, we played table tennis for like 3 hours. At first, one guy could only book 1 hour with 1 unit house. I live in the same condo as my cousin, so I could book 1 hour he could book 1 hour. But we really didn't need to 'cos nobody even came. SO DAMN FUN YO. I finally can cut the table tennis ball and kinda smash it. I so totally want to play table tennis every living week of my school hols. Call me up if you wanna come over to play and boost your ego from thrashing me hands down. We did hell lot of stupid things. We started with doubles, but we kinda got thrashed by Jared. So we 1v1ed each other. So while waiting, the other two would play squash against the wall. LOL DAMN FUN TOO. We kept laughing while playing cos we really sucked out loud. Except Jared. He is a hacker I tell you. But then Ken was holy crap amazing lah (!). His first time playing table tennis and he totally owned the crap out of all of us. (okay not really but how about getting owned by a first-timer) Not to say I'm experienced, though, but at least I've played before right. Worst is Jared:D Play table tennis for quite long liao still barely can win Ken. Ken is on crack I tell you, on crack. Lol. Yu Xuan had to leave at 5, cos he had to be back by 6 for some unknown reason. So yeah I had to bring him out. Along the whole way he started getting emo and was "I'm gonna die my thighs are on fire" and falling over me.I kinda dragged him along and accidentally into a wall. Ehehehe sorry. So I showed him out and we were like trying to recall which direction was the Newton MRT. So eventually we figured it out and he was off. I went back to the function room to see Ken and Jared playing. So we chased Jared out and 1v1ed. Then Jared was placed his broken-into-two table tennis balls on each eye, and said he was going to find his paddle. By the time he found his paddle, we would swap over. So while he was frantically trying to find it, we kept placing it in another location. Was so funny to watch him. Did I mention we kinda destroyed 3 table tennis balls? I didn't? Never mind. So I kept on playing but Ken really wanted and needed to get back home. He told his mom he would be back by 5. It was 6. Lol. So I kept playing and he kept telling me to stop but I refused. IT WAS TOO MUCH FUN. Okay sorry for being a domineering cow. So we went back home and that was that.


And the light seemed to fade at @ 6:41:00 PM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Now is the RI exam marking days, so I have nothing to do now. I do nothing but watch animu, play dota or slack. Except for the occasional trainings, every monday, tuesday and saturday. A total of 11 hours a week. Yes, Softball is one of the most hardworking CCAs. I am one of the least hardworking person. DOES NOT MATCH.

My muscles are the burning up now. Sigh. Always have PT to do every training lol, actually it's not that bad. PT can be fun if you're not constantly telling yourself to breathe. I like situps. I hate pushups.

I am using alot of short sentences now. I am too lazy to write a thesis in my blog, sorry. Now shoo, I'm going to eat dinner then play more dota.

And the light seemed to fade at @ 7:49:00 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

Giving the epicness of which it is known as today, I shall post about it. Exams are over. Yeah, it finally is. RI exams are the one of the latest exams I ever know, only bested by NUSH. Yeah but it's still late okay? The torment of seeing all my other friends finish their exams, slack, and do nothing in everyday in class is finally over.

//Today's maths exam was okay, tilting on the hard side. I won't say much, just that I could do most. However, due to the fail which I somehow always am victim to, I think I will get 60/80. Sigh.//

Okay so now, we have no school due to marking days. The marking days are on tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday. However, wednesday is the house carnival, and I'm going to support Bayley by participating in the Badminton carn. I said participating for a reason. I kinda suxx0r at badminton and am bound to get thrased by the likes of Ken and other imba school team people. Nevermind, my participation means 1 point to Bayley:D upon like 1000. Nonetheless, I should be going back to school to play. Nicholas and Benjamin, if you're reading this, you'd better go and play badminton, kay? If Benjamin is half of what he brags to be he should really go and get Bayley some awards.

Today I have training, at 2.30. I wanted to eat lunch before coming back, but nobody likes me and nobody wanted to have lunch with me D: Anyways, after today, I really wonder what I am going to do. There's nothing much to do for me anyway. I am gonna go gym and slim down okay? If I don't I entitle you to a free punch into be guts :D

And the light seemed to fade at @ 11:15:00 AM

Friday, October 17, 2008
1 up, up and away

With the passing of the geog and science tests, all that's left is math. Math can't really be studied just understand the concepts and some practice would suffice. Today's science test was a killer, almost everybody I knew said it's hard in one way or another. I say it's hard in all. I TOTALLY screwed up my MCQ and I know I'll screw up in the OEQ. BYE 4.0, NICE KNOWING YOU. I don't know what's their problem lah questions all so hard. Even Darren, Nicholas and Ken said it was hard. IF THEY SAID IT WAS HARD, IT WAS HARD! I was mental /wristing myself in the bus. Damn lah.

Yesterday's geog was rather okay. It was much easier than what our teacher said it would be-.- But she came in like before the exams and like suddenly said the paper was quite easy. A bit late huh, after all the studying already?

Sigh, I just slacked the whole of today away. Lihong, instant action sucks. Sian lah people all say don't need study for maths, all never study. Only fat and stupid people like me would have to study. Damnit so many crap to know lor and even if I could do every single bloody question, my carelessness would make me lose at least 20% of what I could have gotten correct.
IT TOOK ME DAMN LONG TO DO THE EMO SPONGE OKAY! ( okay not really just like a... 20 minutes. BUT TEDIOUS, NO?)

And the light seemed to fade at @ 7:09:00 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Random meme which I had no choice to do, 'cos Seth and Michelle tagged me(curse yee). NOT COMPLETE LOL

[11] People tagged for this quiz
-Li Hong
-Matthew's secret blog
-Yu Xuan(double tagged, boy)
-Wen Ye
-Jia Wei
-Nobody likes me
-Nobody knows my blog
-I fail math
-I fail math

[ 10 ] Firsts.
First Best Friend: Heng Kee*gasp*
First Pet: Yu Xuan
First Piercing: Not now, not later, not ever
First Crush: my computer
First CD : I don't have a CD of my own
First Car: not yet
First Stuffed Animal: bear thingummy I think
First Love: my computer
First Place Called Home: Yoh Di Trive go find out on your own

[ 9 ] Lasts.
Last Beverage: Peach Tea
Car Ride: To school today
Last Movie Seen:Eagle Eye
Last Phone Call:Jia Wei
Last Song You Listened To: Wine REd
Last Bubble Bath: never had one
Last Time You Cried: quite some time ago
Last Thing You Ate: Plum sweet
Last Bad Thing You Did: Scream at people today before exam cos I was stressed

[ 8 ] Have You Evers.
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: I have never dated
Have You Ever Been Arrested: No
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Don't know what's that, don't think I wanna know
Have You Ever Been On A Limo: Not that rich
Have You Ever Cheated: yeah by people like KEN MATTHEW YUXUAN COUGH COUGH
Have You Ever Been In Love: no
Have You Ever Been In A Car Accident: no
Have You Ever Broken A Bone: No

[ 7 ] Things You Are Wearing.
- T-shirt
- shorts
- glasses
- Chip crumbs
- Air
- slacker aura shirt
- hair

[ 6 ] Things You've Done Today.
- snack
- drink water
- slack
- talk to people on msn
- mug geog
- watch anime

[ 5 ] Favourite Things.
- computer
- snacks
- glasses
- animu
- mangakas(i don't care they're things now)


You Are 16% Cynical

Cynical? Not even close! If anything, you're a bit naive.

Overall, you enjoy life and try not to be paranoid. Even if you've been burned before.

Okay then again, I doubt this is real. BLOGTHINGS.COM IS INACCURATE.

And the light seemed to fade at @ 6:52:00 PM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
His story

Tomorrow is the history EOY, darnit. Die liao lah I know how to do the paper but I probably won't even have enough time lor.

Today I was.... assaulted(euphemism) by the wonderful people known as Benjamin, Jerome, Matthew and Li Hong. Thanks alot guys. So they were like, last one up the stairs (couldn't hear the rest). I was like, huh? So I strolled up the stairs, while the rest were up in an instant. Suddenly, when I reached the top of the flight of stairs, Matthew grabbed me and tried to push me down. I moved away and he lost his grip of me. Then I fleed. But they caught me. At first only had Matthew and Benjamin, but then Li Hong and Jerome came from they other side. So Matthew was holding me tight and he asked Benjamin to tickle me. Being the ticklish guy I am, I sternly warned Benjamin that he would DIE if he dared to tickle me. So he screwed off. Then Li Hong arrived from the other side and tried to tickle me. So in a desperate bid, I round-house kicked Li Hong in his nether regions. Wasn't aiming, just lucky. So he screwed off too. Then, Matthew took me to the ground. I attacked his head and he didn't get off. So I grabbed him by the neck and took his head to the ground. After alot of persuasion and begging, they let me off.

Okay I admit I was very rough today, sorry. Now I know how Benjamin and Darren feel when they get violated.

Okay to the me being ticklish part. YuXuan said that it was because I'm fat. But I STRONGLY DISAGREEEEE. NICHOLAS IS SKINNY LIKE HECK AND HE"S TICKLISH TOO.

Okay so after school ( 3 okays in 3 paras), I went to J8 for lunch. Nice pepper chicken. Then I went to MOELC to collect my Jap results. I had 75.9 upon 100. Apparently better than alot of people in class. But at first, I didn't know. Then I was like, damn lah only 75.9. Then YuXuan stared at me menacingly, and proceeded to KAIZAH BEAM me. Ken and YuXuan had scores lower than me. I won't reveal them lest I risk my face. So my end year GPA was 3.6, like 75%? I was like, somebody give me 5% so I get 4.0, then Edwin was like somebody give me 2% so i would get 3.6. After that we went to KFC. Ken bought food and I stole it. Expensive pepper chicken.

And the light seemed to fade at @ 4:02:00 PM

Monday, October 13, 2008
Cynical? Sarcastic?

Okay I've decided to be less cynical and sarcastic about the world around me. If you put aside the drawbacks, the world is actually quite a beautiful place to be in if you get what I mean. Matt said my blog was cynical, so fine, now it's less. I won't ascertain that it won't be cynical and sarcastic, but probably a great deal less. But I'm still entitled to saying what I feel and saying LOLCAT when I want to okay?

Sigh slept at 3 last night. For some reason I just couldn't fall asleep. If you didn't know(you didn't), my father went away to some country(I can't remember, okay?) for like a week for work. He came back at 2 yesterday. I could hear his phone call. I could hear my mom leaving the house. I could hear them coming back. I could hear the clang of the suitcases. I could hear it all, in the little corner of my room. Isn't it weird, that when you try to sleep, everything just goes by so slowly? Isn't it weird, that when you're all alone in that dark room, everything just seems so distant, yet so near. Isn't life just weird?

I don't know what I was doing yesterday, just lying in bed. I was thinking, I guess. As much as I told myself to shut up, I couldn't. I was still pretty damn wide awake, if you'd ask me. I was thinking, really. I was thinking of things, about me, about my identity in this world, and about my friends. Why did I start this blog, actually? Was it a desperate attempt for attention? Was it really for me to pen(keyboard) down my emotions? Was it just a fad? Maybe. Life is just so weird. So many facades, so hard to keep them all up. I feel like just ripping them up, just to be me. But I guess I can't, and I doubt I really will.

Now now, is it really safe for me to divulge so many of my secrets on the net? I wonder. I'm not that close to anyone, I guess. Not Matthew, he can be a real (insert censored word here) sometimes, Darren's not serious enough. I'm drifting from Ken. Yuxuan is a bugger.(Just Kidding you're still my friend but you're a jester). Not Nicholas, he's retarded sometimes. Not Jerome, he's probably too busy watching animu and probably doesn't care. Li Hong would laugh at me then break all ties with me. Jia Wei would just be gay.

I'm not like others, I ain't gonna apologise for the emo post. I know it's emo, but it's what I feel. I'm entitled to it.

And the light seemed to fade at @ 4:38:00 PM

Friday, October 10, 2008

Lol, okay not as bad as the title says lah. Today marks the start of the friggin DELIGHTFUL exams. So for english, we had to do a compre and a letter to some fernandes dudette. WAI MUST YO CHOOSE HUMAN NATURE!!!!WAIII!!!

Sian I wish I read the last page of Animal Farm, where I wrote all the themes down. Lol, you know I still haven't read animal farm yet, so pathetic right? Yes yes, start the insults compliments. TYVM. The comprehension was rather okay(?!), I don't know what to say about it.

BOOM BOOM BOOOOOOOM. CHINESE PAPER!! Wah lau I hate the stupid cloze passage 'bout Alexander Graham Bell. I think I failed that section:D As well the the comprehension, I screwed that up toooo. I think I should get close to full marks for all those which can be studied for. 1 whole week of hardcore studying and writing out EVERY SINGLE WORD FROM EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER WHICH NEEDS TO BE STUDIED. But I could have just READ THE CIYUKAOCHA!!! ALL THE QUESTIONS TESTED WERE THERE. WAH LAU I FEEL SO SMART I WANNA GO HANG MYSELF BY MY TOENAILS.

Had a nice 4 hour nap today:D I slept at 2 and wanted to wake up at 3, but I decided to sleep more cos I can and I will. So now left the other papers, hmm.. how study ah?

Gonna fail history(for some reason all my essays suck I still don't know why) and Geography(I can never understand all the bullshit in Agriculture) and Science( all our science teachers can't teach well. Bio is screwed, "basic questions" so hard, Physics still okay lah, but Chem is screwed. I think I screwed the CCT as well) Math can be studied for, by doing all the questions again:D


And the light seemed to fade at @ 7:22:00 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Call me irrespon stupid

Since all of us are failures, Jerome, Nicholas, Wenye, Perry and I went to the cinema. Lol we watched Eagle Eye. It was okay lor, like Terminator 3 like that. Some stupid robot crap became like over obsessive over it's programming. The first hour was quite slow and not that nice. Sian cake. I know some people out there are like, OMG EOY STILL WATCH MOVIE, SO FREE ISIT?!

Well, I'm not free, just stupid. I am too retarded to commit my mind on studying, therefore I shall waste money on a movie!

Okay so after the movie, Jerome went to comics collection to find his fate/zero. So I followed him 'cos I was bored. So I was like, I think they'll have fate/staynight dolls in the shop. But Jerome was like, noooooo. So then we walked in and he was looking for his fate/zero, but to no avail. I was looking for a raddish handphone strap(I AM serious about that) when suddenly he said HOLY CRAP SO SICK. I looked in that direction, and there was some seriously hentai comic book cover. How can they display it like that lor, so irresponsible. Irregardless, in a desperate bid, he asked the counter lady. Alas, they didn't sell it. So we walked out, and I pointed out to 3 dolls. One of Caster, one of Archer and one of rider. AHA!

So now I'm blogging 'bout my day. BAI

And the light seemed to fade at @ 6:31:00 PM


Ernest Tan Yong En
Child of God
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